Very good overall, easy and intuitive to use. I would like it to be more customisable in that Id like to specify the symptoms used in the reports - for example, bleeding is not an issue for me and so it is not useful to have that weighted equally with other symptoms. The data does not appear to be easily exportable or flexible to use, although the graphing/charting functions are easy they are not exactly what I would prefer. Very easy to use on a day to day basis, however, the best by far tracking app I have used.
Some of those concerns have been changed on the later versions. Im happy to see that the developers seem responsive to user requests.
I would like to see three changes made to the app:
1: In medications I would like to be able to add an "as needed" med, such as a painkiller, and log it as I take it. Only daily meds can be logged
2: if I miss a day, its usually because I didnt have a bowel movement. The app doesnt like dealing with that answer.
3: I would like the data exportable in a format that would allow me to play with it a bit.
njmarsh about GI Monitor, v4.5.1